Hi, I’m Swaha!

I’m the founder of Spirit of She, a modern day Sacred Women’s Mystery School. This is a home for all women seeking a place to connect, more deeply to themselves and to other women.

I believe a whole and happy woman knows Her worth, and Her power through connecting to both Her Spiritual Nature, and Her Wild Nature. It’s through knowing and weaving these different parts of self through our day to day life, that we find liberation, and a life deeply rooted in connection to our Pleasure, Power and sense of Purpose.



Hi, I’m Swaha!

I’m the founder of Spirit of She, a modern day Sacred Women’s Mystery School. This is a home for all women seeking a place to connect, more deeply to themselves and to other women.

I believe a whole and happy woman knows Her worth, and Her power through connecting to both Her Spiritual Nature, and Her Wild Nature. It’s through knowing and weaving these different parts of self through our day to day life, that we find liberation, and a life deeply rooted in connection to our Pleasure, Power and sense of Purpose.

Spirit of She

Sacred Women’s Mystery School

At Spirit of She, we believe that being a part of a strong and supportive community of women is a powerful foundation on the journey of self-discovery. Sharing stories, being seen and heard, witnessed, and witnessing each others’ journeys, validates who we are, and can give us strength on our journeys in the weird, wonderful and diverse experience that is Life.

This community offers weekly and monthly gatherings, and four yearly transformational retreats to connect with other women through meaningful and uplifting experiences, and social connection and community. When women come together as a group with a supportive intention, magic happens. Our community includes women from all walks of life. The diversity offers a rich tapestry of our humanity and womanhood, to celebrate, and learn more about ourselves as women. Many women also choose to weave 1:1 transformational coaching and spiritual healing into their Spirit of She journey, which deepens her experience.

We invite you to join our community of women and explore the possibilities of connection, self-discovery, and growth. At Spirit of She, we empower women to trust themselves and their journeys, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Why Work With Me?

I am a modern day mystic - come science nerd.

A Lifelong student and teacher of Tantra and other Eastern and Western spiritual and human development practices, I am passionate about sharing empowerment tools to support women to lead more liberated, connected and pleasure filled lives.

Through my own personal experience, and over 18 years supporting women on their journey, I have come to believe that fusing science and spirituality creates a magical recipe that supports us to remember the utter brilliance of who we are, and let this shine through, for our own benefit, and the benefit of all we come in contact with.

Why Work With Me?

I am a modern day mystic - come science nerd. A Lifelong student and teacher of Tantra and other Eastern and Western spiritual and human development practices, I am passionate about sharing empowerment tools to support women to lead more liberated, connected and pleasure filled lives. Through my own personal experience, and over 18 years supporting women on their journey, I have come to believe that fusing science and spirituality creates a magical recipe that supports us to remember the utter brilliance of who we are, and let this shine through, for our own benefit, and the benefit of all we come in contact with.

What Makes Me Different?

I have devoted the last 23 years of my life to personal and spiritual transformation, studying many modalities and traditions with powerful conscious wisdom keepers around the globe. My own journey living with a chronic illness and pain condition, as well as very difficult relationships in my early 20s was the catalyst that set me on this path. My personal journey has led me to life changing tools that I am so excited to share with you. Tools that help you to integrate and call home all of the amazing parts of you and to move through things like fear, shame, anger and guilt to reconnect to more Peace and Bliss, upgrade your self confidence and improve your relationships.

I’ll show you how reconnect to your vitality, pleasure and passion while healing old wounds and unhelpful stories that block you from having more of your hearts desires.

I’ll teach your practices to come back to the deep seed of peace that exists inside of you.

I’ll teach you body based and ancient mystical practices that let your inner radiance shine, and to simply know the miracle that you are, just for your existence.

I believe that we were born to love.

Not only that, but at our soulful core, we ARE LOVE.

When we get the right support, to dissolve the veils of limiting stories inside our heads, and reconnect to the wisdom of our bodies, our inner radiance and BEingness, miracles happen.”

Join us on a journey back to Wholeness, to remember Your Truth, and live from this place with more Pleasure, Power and Purpose.

Swaha Devi


(C) Lisa Cocking 2024